The Bionic Eye

by Federico Bartolomei

Nanotechnology and artificial retina Towards the fulfilment of a dream.

An electronic device which transforms light impulses from the environment in signals captured by our brain and interpreting them into images: various research projects focusing on artificial retinas are now being carried out around the world, turning into reality what not so long ago seemed like only a dream.
The first results introduced relate to a vision that is still basic (light perception, shadows, dark outlines) but they nevertheless seem to be encouraging for the future.
In Italy, Bologna is one of the active centres where this type of research takes place: one such research focuses on creating a contact lens in which is inserted a printed circuit able to perceive light, passing it on to a microchip transplanted in occipital regions via wireless. This project carried out by Duilio Siravo at the Second University of Naples is done in collaboration with the University of Bologna.
"The contact lens", explains Sergio Zaccaria Scalinci at the University of Bologna, "was applied on the eyes of guinea pigs, rabbits in this case, where was evidenced the ability to recuperate various pixels, observed by the user in terms

Picture - Contact lense held by two fingers

of incrementing visual information from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. So far, no side effects or adverse reactions were observed following the fitting of contact lenses. The contact lens has the ability to bypass the ocular globe through a wireless receiver implanted in a strategic position on the optical and/or cerebral pathways.

Results are obtained by submitting guinea pigs to behavioural testing.
The electronic circuits inserted in the contact lenses are made of a nanolayer-based metal, as small as one thousandth of a diameter of a human hair, and mounted on a flexible organic layer in order to be easily placed in the eye.

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